Friday 26 August 2016

Diy green tea moisturizer!!


1-Coconut oil (2 table spoon) 
2-Almond oil (3 table spoons)
3-Vitamin E oil/tablets (1/2 tea spoon/3 tablets)
4-Beeswax (1 table spoon)
5-Essential oil (4 drops) 
6-Green tea ( 1 tea bag)
Lets get started

In a bowl put a  table spoon of beeswax,2 table spoons of coconut oil,
3 table spoons of almond oil,1/2 tea spoon/3 tablets of Vitamen E 
oil and 4 drops of essential oil.In a sospan some water and put the bowl over the water and
add a tea bag of green tea and let all the ingredients melt.Stain all the green tea off the mixture and beat all the ingredients until the temperature  of the liquid goes to room temperature and until its in a nice creamy consistancy put it in to a container and you're done.

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