Wednesday 24 August 2016

Diy crayon lipstick

There are many kinds of methods to make lipsticks.i am going to show how to make diy crayon lipstick . Follow the insrtuctions to make crayon lipstick
1-crayons(Any color)
2-something to mix with
3-vasaline/petrolium jelly or coconut oil
4-A container to store the lipstick in(or you can use an old lipstick container)
5-stove or candle...
first of all! you are going to breack the crayon in small pecies and put in a container.Make sure that the container is heat proof. After that put a table spoon full of vasaline or coconut oil and (if you are using stove then take a sospan and fill it half with water put your container  in it ) (if you are using a candle then directly but the container at the top of the candle and let the product melt) after that store it in a container and put it in the fridge for about half an hour and you DIY crayon lipstick i ready

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